PheeN's new Demo PHEEN has created an awesome new DEMO cd. It has four never before recorded tracks, and is available at their shows. Prices may vary. Thanks to Tommy Harrison of Cheeky Chappy Music for his work on this demo cd.
Things that happened in PheeN's past: PheeN won the monthly Taj Mahal Battle of the Bands on May 23rd, 2001!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who came out and showed support. They beat out 7 other bands with a final score was 29 out of 30. PheeN was awesome and you guys were roughty!!!! I expect to see each and everyone of you guys back out there in December for face-off. This will be a great show because it will be all the bands that won from each month. You better be there helping PheeN to win!!!!! (This is the second time PheeN has ever entered a battle of the bands competition, and the second time that they won.) Come to PheeN's shows to check out the new shit they're playing. It fucking rocks! PheeN was nominated for a FM99 Rock Award in the category of "Favorite Local Band." Any band could have been nominated, but PheeN made it into the top five and was announced as one of the nominees. The other bands mentioned were Epoxy, Car 44, Sea of Souls, and bailout. As always Sea of Souls took the award.(Early 2001) PheeN was featured on FM99 again as a part of the Saturday Night Local Band Show with Chuck the Intern and Rod Fitzwell. Instead of the guys going up to the studio, they sent their "bitches"......their "groupies".....their female fans to the studio. Rod and Chuck dug that idea. Two songs were aired, RAGE and LOOSE. Let the titties do the talking.(Early 2001) PheeN was a part of the HIGH TIMES "HEMP 100" in the December 2000 issue. Check it out and vote Pheen back on it! 40oz PheeN and his wife Liz had a baby girl named Freya Gwendolyn Pishke on October 30th, 2000. PHEEN'S CD RELEASE & PARTY INFO: PheeN's first full-legnth CD was released September 19th 2000 at 11:55pm...and you can get yourself a copy online at the REDRUM RECORDS store... The CD release party was September 24th 2000 at the Taj Mahal. Killkraft, Strappado, Prayers of Trust, and Glutton opened. It was a lot of fun....and we all got kicked out for moshing, crowd surfing, and swinging for the rafters! Everyone was wild (and Drunk)....and we even got to see some titties!!!!! PheeN was on FM99 (again) on September 16th 2000 to talk about their CD release party on September 24th 2000 and about the upcoming benefit show for Mike Young's family. The PheeN song Rage was aired, along with Betrayal. Both are from the CD "Enter The CliniC, which will be released September 19th 2000 at the RedRum Store. FUK PHEEN plays golf with Pantera...cause FM99 rules! Sunday, July 9th 2000 at the TPC.....(left to right: Tommy the Drummer for Godsmack, Tommy Lee from Methods of Mayhem+Motley Crue+Pamela's ex, Rex from Pantera with beer spilled down his shirt, Chris "I should have been in porn" Pahler, Vinnie Paul from Pantera, Shelley, and FUK PHEEN)...just thought I'd throw this pic up...thought you might like seeing it... PHEEN'S CD IS BEING RE-MIXED The CD for Pheen was recorded in Bostan Mass at FoxHole Studios, and it was mixed by Tommy Harrison of Cheeky Chappy Music. However, the mix as good as it was--was not approved by RedRum Record's board of directors. This happens from time to time on every major project that every label in the world puts out. The CD is being re-mixed by Mr.Harrison, the week or July 17th 2000. Mr. Harrision has been in LA on other biz and has been unable to mix the PheeN CD. However rest assure that Pheen is RedRum Records #1 priority! The other reasons for the re-mix comes from the new merger between RedRum and Casper Records. "We have decided to spend more time on the mix to put out the best CD we can" says George Sugar. The CD is slated to be released sometime this summer and at the very latest September 2000. It pleases me to see their fans standing up for them but do understand that RedRum will never give up on Pheen or drop the just simply takes time to put out a good CD, remember it took Metallica 1 year to record their Black CD. Thanks for your continued support. (Reverend Kevin Damien Cain) RedRum Records is putting together a new and better compilation CD......and PheeN is on it along with Deguello 954 and other bands. The CD is not for charity this time...just a CD for the kids and people who dig the local scene. RedRum is looking for 20 bands for this submit your demo to RedRum Records and get your band on the CD. PheeN was on FM99 again Saturday, July 1st 2000...Chuck and Rod rule for supporting local music...they interviewed to Grog who talked about going down on the microphone...and RAGE was aired. Listen to the show on Saturday nights to check out the local scene. PheeN's got a Street Team and Mailing List! To be a part of it Email: PheeNophilia PheeN was on FM99 again in May 2000...thanks to Chuck and Rod...who interviewed Fuck PheeN and played a few songs. Tune in to FM99 on Saturday nights...because they have a local band show every few weeks and you never know what bands are gonna show up in the studio. We'll be hearing PheeN at FM99 many more times! PheeN's full length CD is mixed and sent out to be mastered by Sara Lee Lucas (you know, the guy from Marilyn Manson).....which means it should be available to YOU in June 2000. Check the back for CD Release Party date because YOU are invited! Read about the making of the CD..... Pheen just got out of the studio recording their first full lenth CD for RedRum Records. The CD was recorded at Foxhole Studios in Boston Massachusetts. It was engineered by Bill Michealson and Ryan Droach and was produced by Reverend Kevin Damien Cain. The CD will be mixed by Tommy Harrison(or Glutton)--who worked with Motley Crue and Reverend K. Damien Cain in North Carolina... THE CD WILL BE RELEASED THIS September AND ITS GONNA KICK ASS!!!! PheeN live on FM99 March 25th, 2000: PheeN was played and interviewed on FM99. Scream was aired first because it seemed the most radio friendly, then following the many phone calls requesting Pheen, FM99 decided to play a second heavier song titled Rage off of PheeN's demo CD. While in the FM99 studio Rod Fitzwell and Chuck the Intern announced that PheeN received the most phone calls of any local band ever in one single night. If you are a fan of PheeN call FM99 at 366-9999 or email them at their website and tell them to play PheeN. Keep tuning into FM99 on Saturday nights for their Local Band show with Chuck and airs every couple of weeks....and listen to the morning show too (TOMMY AND RUMBLE), its WAY better than Mancow. 40oz Pheen got married? April 29th, 2000...Brian tyed the knot with his HOT ASS girlfriend, LIZ.....lucky guy. It's the one night that he was guaranteed a piece of ass. The ceremony was a handfesting, much like the wedding of Handog and Jenny which took place over a year ago.
News updated as the sh*t goes down. |