PheeN is a not a new band to the local scene in Hampton Roads. They have been together since 1997...when a couple guys that could play instruments where sitting around smoking pot. They all played different instruments and the idea occurred to them...."Let's form a band!" Now we have this awesome Virginia Beach based metal band that rocks out every show that they play. In fact, watching them play makes you want to SCREAM, smash people's' heads together, and get really f_____ed up. It's emotional, man. Every member of the band brings their own musical influence to create an awesome, melodic, symphony of sound so heavy it might hurt. GroG's twisted lyrics range from the hateful intensity of a bad trip--to promoting his own addictions--to the painful pleading of a love song. He has the perfect voice to be the front man of the band. He combines loathesome-repugnant screams and nasty growls to keep it heavy while also delivering the quality clean vocals that rip emotions from their fans souls. That boy can sing. HanDoG, on bass, shows off a sort of funk sound combined with his "in your face" attitude, to give the world a sample of what the bass should sound like. His stage presence is unique and more entertaining than any performer I've ever seen. Clitoris, right stage guitarist, brings a death metal influence to the band with his awesome guitar playing skills and his death metal back up vocals. He adds to the melody with the use of keyboards on their latest CD "Enter The Clinic". 40oz PHEEN, the stage left guitarist, is the newest edition to PHEEN. He has brought more heaviness to their music with his help in the creation of songs such as WAKE UP, DEAD WEIGHT, DELERIUM NOCTURNAM, and SMACK DOWN. He also adds his own touch of clean back up vocals while thrashing around with his multi-colored goatee on stage. KraK definatly helps bring the groove to the band with his almost tribal drum beats that force your body to move. He can really fuck it up on the drums. Not only is he an awesome drummer but he can be credited with arranging most of the music. He is definitly an asset to the band. The five members have played in many other bands trying to find a sound as awesome as PHEEN and now we've got the BUDDAH GODS to thank for bringing them together.
Gramatically Correct Bio Comming Soon. |